Snowbirds Need to Pack Something Extra Before Heading South For The Winter
By Robert J. Green, Esq.
Many of our clients in North Idaho and Eastern Washington are "snowbirds". If you are headed somewhere warm to spend the winter months, you will want to be sure you have packed more than just your sunscreen.
When you leave your home base for any extended period of time, you should have with you copies of your important legal documents. This should include copies of your Financial Power of Attorney and Health Care Power of Attorney documents, your Last Will and Testament and Living Trust (if you have one of those), as well as your Living Will, and a Physician's Orders for Scope of Treatment Form - sometimes known as a "do not resuscitate" document). Photocopies of these documents are sufficient for almost any purpose as long as the originals can be located and obtained if necessary.
In general, I suggest having original estate planning documents in a safe and secure location like a fireproof safe or a safe-deposit box (to which at least one trusted person other than you has access), or at your attorney's office. A photocopy set of the same documents can be kept more readily accessible, but should still be safe and private. If you are traveling across country, a photocopy set should come with you.
Another useful document to think about in this context is a universal HIPAA Authorization. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 ("HIPAA") regulates a health care provider's ability to release information about you to third parties (such as your family members and close friends). You can sign a HIPAA Authorization that lists the people to whom you would want your various health care providers and any hospital to release information about you if you are unable to give consent due to some form of incapacity. HIPAA Authorizations can also be part of a Power of Attorney document.
Imagine that you are traveling and wind up in a hospital in another city or state. If you are not conscious or not able to communicate effectively, you will not be able to tell the hospital who it is that they are allowed to release information to about you and your condition. It can be excruciating for a family member or close friend to be told over the phone by a hospital staff person that they are not permitted to answer even basic questions about you or your condition because of your inability to authorize the hospital to release such information.
However, if you have planned ahead and executed a universal HIPAA Authorization, that document will include the names of all the people you have pre-authorized to receive detailed information about you from any hospital or healthcare provider. I suggest that our snowbird clients travel with a copy of that document. But, even more importantly, I suggest that clients provide a copy of that document to each person the client has listed as a person authorized to receive information. For example, imagine that you get into a car accident in Arizona or California. Now imagine your son or daughter calls the hospital where you have been taken and he or she is told that the hospital cannot tell them anything more than the fact that you are at the hospital and alive. This is so frustrating for your loved ones. However, it relieves so many problems if your son or daughter can tell the hospital that they have an authorization already signed by you allowing the hospital to give your child whatever info they seek. Then your child can fax or email that Authorization to the hospital and get their questions answered right away.
If you have any doubts about whether you have all the documents you need before heading for a warmer climate this winter, do not hesitate to speak to a qualified estate planning attorney. Some law firms, like mine, will even offer free consultations concerning creating or reviewing estate planning documents. Take the time to be sure your planning will result in your desired outcome.
This has been presented as general information and not as legal advice. Do not engage in legal decision-making without the advice of a competent attorney after discussion of your specific circumstances.